Masked statistics

MicroHH supports sampling and averaging of statistics over 2D or 3D masks. These masks can be defined dynamically (e.g. where ql>0), or statically (user input). The dynamic masks are specified through the [stats]['masklist'] list (see Statistics [stats] for the different options), the static masks through the [stats][xy_masklist] list.

Static masks

The static masks are currently limited to 2D (xy) masks, allowing the sampling of statistics over e.g. different land-use types. To enable the statistics, add an arbitrary number of mask names to:


Next, you need to create a binary file named dry.0000000 and wet.0000000, defining the surface mask. In Python this is easy using Numpy, for example:

import numpy as np

float_type = np.float32
itot, jtot = 128, 128

mask_dry = np.zeros((jtot, itot), dtype=float_type)
mask_wet = np.zeros((jtot, itot), dtype=float_type)

# Define mask for left and right side of domain:
mask_dry[:,:itot//2] = 1
mask_wet[:,itot//2:] = 1


After running this case, you get two additional statistics files named and

Flux statistics and masks

The advective flux in the statistics file is the absolute flux (\(\langle ws \rangle\)), and not the covariance of the fluctuations around the mean (\(\langle w's' \rangle\)). For the domain averaged statistics where the mean vertical velocity (\(\langle w \rangle\)) is zero, these two fluxes are identical:

\[\begin{split}w = \langle w \rangle + w' \\ s = \langle s \rangle + s' \\\end{split}\]
\[\begin{split}\langle w's' \rangle = \langle(w - \langle w \rangle)(s - \langle s \rangle) \rangle \\ = \langle ws \rangle - \langle w \rangle \langle s \rangle\end{split}\]

However, when using masked statistics, \(\langle w \rangle\) calculated over the masked reqion is almost never zero, and as a result you need to correct the absolute flux to obtain \(\langle w's' \rangle\). As both \(\langle w \rangle\) and \(\langle s \rangle\) are available in the statistics files, this correction can be applied in the post-processing.

The correction shown above is only valid for the even-ordered advection schemes (all except 2i5). For the 2i5 scheme, the correction is more complex, as the advective flux contains an additional diffusive term.